How Losing Could Actually Be Useful for Our Success? A new approach to Failure. How to overcome fear of failure? How to succeed and overcome failure?

How Losing Could Actually Be Useful for Our Success

There is constant pressure on us to be successful and avoid failure. According to data from 2018, 60% of young people struggle to handle the pressure to succeed. 

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Fear of Failure

Several studies have demonstrated, failure is not always equivalent to a lack of achievement. Indeed, experts from Northwestern University have stated that failure is "the crucial prerequisite for success," and a study from the University of Arizona claims that failure is necessary for learning and that the "sweet spot" for failure is 15% of the time. “Striving to be perfect is likely complex,” explains Daniel Madigan, a professor of psychology at York St. John University.

Madigan contends that failure is nothing to be afraid of. Instead, he urges individuals to understand that failing is a natural result of doing something new and is something everyone will experience at some point. Paul Iske, founder of The Institute of Brilliant Failures, believes that trying to achieve something in the first place is crucial and that failing can genuinely teach someone something if they are willing to see the lesson.

Furthermore, according to Madigan, someone with a strong urge to achieve may behave in a way that most people would find disrespectful or even dishonest. For perfectionists who fail, "there can be a lot of guilt, shame, and negative emotions," claims Madigan.

Failure: A New Approach

Failure, according to Iske, is a type of freedom. When a person can tolerate failure, they are more receptive to risky situations or endeavors. "In my experience, when people have this attitude about failure, others are more prepared to accept it, and everyone benefits," adds Iske.

Recognizing the benefits of failure has long piqued Iske's interest and, to some extent, kept him grounded and inquiring. Failure is omnipresent, and it is worthwhile to investigate the topic. Failures of others can also teach us something.

“People should understand that we live in a complex, dynamic world where failure is always a possibility. How much value you get from failure depends on the way you deal with it. Therefore, it is important to be prepared, accept a certain amount of risk and when it happens, try to get the most out of it, and avoid feeling ashamed or embarrassed,” Iske suggests.