In the name of Allah THE Rehman, THE Raheem.
I recently read a book called the "Sealed Nectar", which used CE and BCE for all the date notations.  I had never read/heard of these notation before, so the natural course of action was look it up :).  Here's how the notations work:

BC = Before Christ
AD = After Death (Christ's death i.e)

BCE = Before Common Era
CE = Common ERA

BC == BCE && AD == CE

DIFFERENCE B/W the notations:

There is NONE; from a NOTATION perspective, BUT a SIGNIFICANT impact on what one is KNOWINGLY or UNKNOWINGLY agreeing with.

BRIEF SUMMARY of beliefs:

ISRAELITES or JEWS: Consider Mary a sinner and Christ a child born out of wedlock, there by having NO Significance and hence crucified him.

CHRISTIANS: Consider Mary and Christ and God to be one in the same (depending on denomination, the interpretations differ a bit, but with same underlying belief).

MUSLIMS: Believe Mariam (AH) and Isa (AH) to be messengers of Allah (SWT) and guide the people to the righteous path.  Allah (SWT) descended Isa (AH) to the heavens, when it was plotted that he would be assassinated.  Allah (SWT) turned the face of the plotter into Isa (AH)'s look alike and that plotter was crucified.  Allah (SWT) will send Isa (AH) back to earth.


Just be aware of what YOU are READING, HOW it APPLIES to you and WHAT it means...Till next time keep those thinking caps on...