The other day Pres Obama stated that Americans don’t do easy, rather we do what’s necessary.

I guess he’s lost track of urban Chicago along with 3rd, 4th…etc, wards of EVERY STATE, since he came to the “White house”. The dream of EASY wealth accumulation, not truly by means of capitalism, is more of an EASY way out vs Necessary…wouldn’t you say.

Those who do what’s necessary are the “UNKOWNS” vs the EASY money “KNOWNS” of as I call it, “The Street”; be it Wall Street or Streets of the “Ghetto”.

Don’t worry Mr. Jindal, I doubt your rebuttal caused enough stir for Mr. Roger’s henchmen “puppets” to come at you from beyond the grave. I guess the Right wanted to have a NON-REPUBLICAN looking candidate, reply to a NON-TYPICAL president.

Hurrah! to both Left and Right, to yet stay in their corners and leave the American Public Hanging the Middle, as usual. BTW, I watch CNN, CNBC, Fox News, C-SPAN, so I would like to thank them for the continual contributions to my daily thought process.